Click one of the letters above to advance the page to terms beginning with that letter.


AGM search for term

Annual General Meeting

AJC search for term

Association of Justice Counsel

ATIP search for term

Access to Information (Act) and Privacy (Act) 


CCOHS search for term

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety 

CCPA search for term

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives 

CFGB search for term

Canadian Forces Grievance Board 

CHRA search for term

Canadian Human Rights Act 

CHRC search for term

Canadian Human Rights Commission 

CIRB search for term

Canada Industrial Relations Board 

CLC search for term

Canada Labour Code 

CLC search for term

Canadian Labour Congress 

CLRB search for term

Canada Labour Relations Board

CPP search for term

Canada Pension Plan 


DOJ search for term

Department of Justice


EC search for term

Executive Committee 


F2F search for term

Face-to-Face Meeting


GC search for term

Governing Council 


H&S search for term

Health and Safety


JOSH search for term

Joint Occupational Safety and Health


LMCC search for term

Labour Management Consultation Committee 

LPM search for term

Law Practice Model 

LRO search for term

Labour Relations Agent


NCR search for term

National Capital Region 

NJC search for term

National Joint Council 

NLMCC search for term

National Labour Management Consultative Committee 


OIC search for term

Office of the Information Commissioner 


PPSC search for term

Public Prosecution Service of Canada

PREA search for term

Performance Review and Employee Appraisal 

PSDCP search for term

Public Service Dental Care Plan

PSDIP search for term

Public Service Disability Insurance Plan 

PSEA search for term

Public Service Employment Act 

PSHCP search for term

Public Service Health Care Plan 

PSLRA search for term

Public Service Labour Relations Act

PSLRB search for term

 Public Service Labour Relations Board 

PSSA search for term

Public Service Superannuation Act 


TB search for term

Treasury Board


ULP search for term

Unfair Labour Practice 


WFAD search for term

Work Force Adjustment Directive