What happens if an LP receives a Notice of Decision of Classification?

If you receive a notice of decision of classification, you have 2 remedial options in the event you and your supervisor are unable to resolve your differences of opinion.  

They are as follows:

1. A right to grieve your job content pursuant to the collective agreement; and/or
2. A right to grieve the actual classification decision pursuant to TB's Policy on Classification Grievances.
Job content and effective date grievances must be filed within 25 working days and classification grievances must be filed within 35 calendar days pursuant to PSLREB Regulations. We note that in the event you disagree with the content of your job description and want to pursue a classification grievance, you must normally file a job content grievance first within the prescribed timelines set out above. The job content is generally the basis on which all classification decisions and classification grievances are made.