Automatic cash-out of excess vacation and compensatory leave

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

In consideration of the never-ending issues with the Phoenix system and the need to have your Trusted Source Liaison Unit (TSLU) focus on fixing the existing Phoenix pay problems of our members, the AJC agreed with the Employer's proposal that employee excess balances of vacation and compensatory leave not be automatically cashed-out, unless requested by the employee. The cash-out option is available to all, but you must specifically request it. Also note, that if you do not request a cash-out, the balance will remain in your bank.

What to do if you're requesting a cash out:

- Complete form GC 178: Leave Application and Absence Report as can be found in the Forms Catalogue.

- Under Other Paid Leave, use code 115 for vacation payout or code 815 for compensatory payout.

- March 31, 2018, will be the effective date.

- You must indicate the number of hours to be paid out.

Your delegated section 34 manager must approve the request and send the original form to the HR TSLU by internal mail no later than May 10, 2018 to ensure the 2017-18 leave record is complete.

All questions should be directed to Trusted Source and Liaison Unit.
