Government of Canada Plans to Increase In-Office Presence

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

As you may know,  Treasury Board plans to update the Directive on Prescribed Presence in the Workplace to increase in-office presence to three days a week.  


There was no consultation with bargaining agents about these changes.  We only became aware through leaks to the media.  The AJC, along with other Bargaining Agents, believe that the employer’s actions are totally unacceptable, and that the employer has severely damaged its relationship with Bargaining Agents. 


Last week, the National Joint Council (NJC) met to discuss potential joint action against the employer including unfair labour practice complaints, policy grievances, letter-writing and social media campaigns, and political campaigns. 


The AJC emphasized the importance of collaborating and acting jointly in response to the employer’s actions.   


The AJC is working with other bargaining agents to develop a template unfair labour practice complaint and policy grievance which can be used by all NJC bargaining agents.  


Bargaining agents have already drafted joint letters which will be sent to the Treasury Board President and the Leader of the New Democratic Party. 

We also remind members that the AJC filed a grievance last year regarding the Employer’s unilateral decision to force our members back into the workplace 2-3 days per week. We have also filed individual grievances where circumstances warranted it. 

As well, as part of the Tentative Agreement ratified by members last month, a letter of understanding between the AJC and the employer provides for discussion and consultation relating to telework. We will work to ensure that the employer upholds this agreement and advocate for your rights and interests. 

We will also advocate directly to Department Heads to use the most flexibility possible in implementing any changes. We will continue to seek assurances that all work outside of the home, including court appearances, travel, and attendance at training, are counted towards in-office presence. 

Your voice matters, and your union is here to represent and support you. We understand that teleworking is very important to our members and that this sudden announcement has been stressful. Please stay tuned for further updates, and do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 
