What if I am only partially vaccinated by the deadline?

Partially vaccinated employees will be placed on Leave Without Pay if they have not received their second dose by 10 weeks after their first dose. Partially vaccinated employees may be subject to temporary measures, such as teleworking or testing, for the period of time for which they remain partially vaccinated. Please note that 699 Leave or “Other Leave With Pay”, is not available for employees unwilling[1] to be fully vaccinated or unwilling to disclose their vaccination status.


[1] For the purpose of this policy “employees unwilling to be fully vaccinated” means employees refusing to disclose their vaccination status (whether they are fully vaccinated or not), employees for whom accommodations for a certified medical contraindication, religion, or another prohibited ground of discrimination is not granted and where the employees are still unwilling to be vaccinated, and employees who have attested that they are unvaccinated.