How does this affect the Phoenix policy grievance filed in 2016?

The AJC filed Policy Grievances where all members experiencing pay issues are covered with the FPSLREB in response to non-payment of Performance Pay for the 2015-16 and subsequent years, and non-payment of the lockstep pay increments that were due on May 10, 2016 and subsequent years. These grievances were referred to adjudication and were to be heard on March 27th, 2017. However, the parties agreed to adjourn the hearings in order to discuss the issue of damages on a without prejudice basis at a newly established Union Management Consultations Committee (UMCC) subcommittee on damages. We also filed a Policy Grievance on January 27th, 2017 covering all other Phoenix-related pay issues.

All of the Phoenix-related Policy Grievances are being held in abeyance and can be reactivated at any time.

This agreement only resolves what is dealt with within this framework. If you're still owed pay or if you have any outstanding damages claims pursuant to this agreement, the policy grievances continue to preserve your rights both for past and future Phoenix-related breaches. The Representations Committee will not withdraw these grievances until all Phoenix-related pay matters have been resolved.