LP Classification

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Have you been stuck in the same LP Classification for years while performing higher level LP work without getting "acting pay" on a frequent, daily and substantial basis (not temporarily)?

If you answered yes to the above, you may have a right to grieve your job content pursuant to the collective agreement with a view to getting reclassified into a higher level LP position. Alternatively, you may also consult the ICMS team to facilitate a discussion with your employer.

For more information on the job content grievance process, please refer to our FAQ on Classification and Job Description, our toolkit and the AJC's Policy Governing Representations Services.  

Contact the AJC with any questions you may have by filing an incident form and forwarding it to admin@ajc-ajj.com . However, before doing so, it is strongly recommended that you review the above links in great detail to better understand the process and the chances of success given your particular circumstances. It´s important to remember, that the requirements of the position and not your qualifications, are what may constitute a reclassification or change to your statement of duties.

Please note that a job content or acting pay grievances requires the support of the AJC as these grievances involve the application or interpretation of the collective agreement. However, classification grievances do not require the approval of the AJC.
