Bargaining Agents decide to suspend the Mandamus Application

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The AJC, alongside the other bargaining agents, has decided to suspend the mandamus application until the extent of damages caused by the Phoenix Pay Crisis are more fully revealed. The federal bargaining agents and the government mutually agreed to an interim consent order.

The order ensures that the government works with unions on addressing issues related to the Phoenix pay system.

The order sets out specific steps to resolve pay issues for unpaid employees on disability, maternity or parental leave who are among the worst cases of financial hardship. These employees are considered to be on "leave without pay" and ineligible for emergency or priority pay that other unpaid employees have received.

The order establishes that a Union Management Consultations Committee (UMCC), will provide an open forum for the timely access to information and to the raising of concerns.  The Committee will be considering the issue of interest or compensatory damages owing to employees who suffered stress, anxiety and lost countless hours of time dealing with the Pay Centre.  The AJC will be represented on the UMCC.

Should the UMCC fail to achieve satisfactory results, the applicants on the mandamus application may resume the application.
